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Online Training Programs


Train with me online for the fraction of the cost.


Try my Better Posture Program and work on improving your posture over 4 weeks.


Or dive in a little deeper and enjoy all the benefits of a custom training program and build your strength and confidence month by month.


Better Posture Program

The Better Posture Program is a 4 week program designed to help improve your posture by rebalancing your shoulders, creating movement throughout the spine and strengthening those under active glutes.


This program consists of 12 total workouts, all lasting roughly 20 - 30 minutes. This program is designed for all levels and can be used as an addition to any current training program.


This program contains exercise progression, which is designed to keep you moving forward from week to week. It also includes a wide variety of exercises, giving you an awesome amount of movements to set you up for success in the future with your training.


This program is designed for you to do from the comfort of your home.


Equipment needed: Long resistance band.

£25 (one off payment)

Image by Danielle Cerullo

Custom Online Training

Take your training to the next level!


Enjoy all the benefits of in person training for a fraction of the price. Work out at a time and place that suits you. Have a custom workout program tailored to your needs and fitness goals. Let me help you stay on track, motivated and provide you with regular check-ins to monitor your progress.


My online training programs require you to have access to a gym or gym equipment at home.


What's included:

Custom training program

Nutritional guidance

Habit tracking

Weekly check-ins

Daily support

£100 (monthly payment)

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